L I N U X         C O M M A N D S 1

alsaconf/alsamixerconfigures/mixes sound
alsactl store/restorestores/restores alsa settings
[ALT] + [F2] - [F6]open another instance
cat /proc/interruptsdisplays interrupts
cpcopy files eg. cp file1 file2
[ctrl] + [alt] + [+ or -]cycles xfree86 screen size
[CTRL] + [D]logoff
dmesgdisplays eth0 info
dmesg | grep hddisplays mounted drives
exitends current session
fdformat -n /dev/fd0format a 3.5" flop
fsck -t ext2 /dev/hdb1repairs corrupted hd's
fsck -v -y ext2 /dev/hdb1
fdisk | /dev/hdapartician info
liloreinstalls preconfigured installs after user lilo formats
lsmoddisplays loaded modules
lspcidisplays all onboard and plugged in cards
lspci -cdisplays etho info
ln -s /DOS/data /var/www/htdocsused on hal3 to create symbolic link to D:\DOS
mcMidnight Commander
passwd j7change password
ps axshows whats running
startxstarts XWindows
tr -d "\015" < /dosfile > /unixfiledeletes "^M" at end of DOS files
uname -rdisplays kernel version
umssync -r99 -v /creates the "-linux-.---" files on UMSDOS partician
whoamidisplays user
xwmconfiglist available xwindow gui's


L I N U X         C O M M A N D S 2

	su = log in as superuser from current login
	exit = stop being superuser/return to normal user
	adduser janedoe = ads a new user named janedoe
	passwd janedoe = assigns password to janedoe
	w = lists online users

	shutdown script in /sbin
	ip.cfg.dos=autoexec/config for linux
	use /usr/sbin/setup=to allow incoming ftp packets
	id.so.conf=system paths

	Verify this line is in /etc/lilo.conf: append="hdc=ide-scsi"
	Verify this line in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules is uncommented: /sbin/modprobe ide-scsi
	mount /dev/fd0................. a drive
	mount /dev/fd1................. b drive
	mount /dev/sr0................. mounts cd drive
	from within /mtn/cdrom	mount cdrom
	from outside /mnt/cdrom	umount cdrom 
            copy ANY cdrom: dd if=/dev/* of=/home/(usersname)/(name of iso).iso
            (replace * with the device the dvd or cd is in, such as hdb, hdc, hdd). 

	natstat nlp =tells what progs are listening to what port
	netstat -rn
	netstat -m


L I N U X         C O M M A N D S 3

	>>>>>>>>Installing SlackWare 12 (31OCT2007)
	>>>>>>>>cd install walkthru . . .

	boot-up on SlackWare DVD

	press [ENTER] at first prompt
	login as root at second prompt
	 type:cfdisk + [Enter]
	create 1 partician
	hdb1 boot  primary linux ext2
	write partician
	save/exit/return to prompt

	 type:setup + [ENTER]
 	select target partician
	format+check as needed
	mount/enter hda particians as follows
	return to menu
 	select install media
	follow thru with install
	make bootdisk


L I N U X         C O M M A N D S 4

	>>>>>>>>Installing SlackWare 12 (31OCT2007)2
	>>>>>>>>setup contunues from the prompt . . .

	login as root
	at prompt type mc
	copy over config files, fstab, samba.conf, httpd.conf etc...
	create mountpoints at /mnt/
	 type:alsaconf + [ENTER]
	complete soundcard setup

	edit/add "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" as follows:
	# **********************************************************************
	# Core Pointer's InputDevice section
	# **********************************************************************
	Section "InputDevice"
	Driver "mouse"
	Identifier "Mouse1"
	Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
	Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
	Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
	Option "Buttons" "3"
	 type:removepkg bsd-games + [ENTER]
	(deletes startup jokes)
	login as root
	create new user
	 type:adduser j7 + [ENTER]
	 type:passwd j7 + [ENTER]	-enter [ENTER] to use no password
	login as j7
	smbpasswd -a j7 = adds j7 to samba network, use same password as when adduser
	 type:startx + [ENTER]
	setup desktop