:::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::DD:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: 2024.11.13= dd -data duplicator / disk dump / aka Data Destroyer !!VERY DANGEROUS!! as you may erase an entire drive or drives if used incorrectly Yes, DD is unforgiving I may attest as I have done damage that took days to undo ... if=input file of=output file ntfs=New Technology File System CLONE ONE DRIVE TO ANOTHER DRIVE= $ dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdc1 bs=4M status=progress CREATE BOOTABLE USB DRIVE FROM ISO IMAGE= $ dd bs=4M if=/mnt/sda2/S15Pup32.iso of=/dev/sdc1 status=progress oflag=sync CREATE A ISO IMAGE FROM A BOOTABLE USB DRIVE= $ dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/mnt/sda2/S15Pup32.iso status=progress ZERO OUT DRIVE= $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc1 bs=1M $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc1 bs=1k count=2048 CREATE COPY OF PRIMARY HD= $ sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=64K conv=noerror,sync status=progress CREATE FULL DISK BACKUP IMAGE= $ dd if=/dev/nvme0n1 of=backup.img bs=4M status=progress full backup will include partition tables, boot sectors, and data. RESTORE FULL DISK BACKUP IMAGE= $ dd if=backup.img of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=4M status=progress CREATE ISO FROM CD/DVD= $ dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd_backup.iso bs=2M CREATE ZIPPED DISK IMAGE= $ dd if=/dev/sdX | gzip > /mnt/sd2/backup.img.gz RESTORE ZIPPED DISK IMAGE= $ gzip -dc backup.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sdX EXAMPLE BELOW EXAMPLE BELOW EXAMPLE BELOW EXAMPLE BELOW EXAMPLE BELOW EXAMPLE BELOW guest@porteus:~$ su root Password: root@porteus:/home/guest# cd root@porteus:~# umount /dev/sdc1 root@porteus:~# dd if=/dev/sdc1 | gzip > k3_w7.img.gz 97691202+0 records in 97691202+0 records out 50017895424 bytes (50 GB, 47 GiB) copied, 5435.72 s, 9.2 MB/s root@porteus:~# ^C root@porteus:~# EXAMPLE ABOVE EXAMPLE ABOVE EXAMPLE ABOVE EXAMPLE ABOVE EXAMPLE ABOVE EXAMPLE ABOVE TO COMPRESS DRIVE= 2024.11.16 root@porteus:~# dd if=/dev/sdc1 | gzip > k3_w7.img.gz - saved to root $ dd if=/dev/sdc1 | gzip > /mnt/sda2/k3_w7.img.gz - saved to sda2 CREATE + RESTORE MBR= $ dd if=/dev/sdX of=mbr_backup.bin bs=512 count=1 -copies first 512 bytes of disk that contains the MBR $ dd if=mbr_backup.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=1 -restores MBR from backup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U s a g e L o g = attempted to create a bootable usb with following= dd bs=4M if=/mnt/sda2/0_1temp/Windows7_Super_Nano_Lite.iso of=/dev/sdc1 status=progress oflag=sync did not work, missing something ... there are special files i dont know about restore windows zipped drive file k3_w7.img.gz 35gb onto sda1, takes a while ... = gzip -dc /mnt/sda2/K3Backup/w7/k3_w7.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda1 yet another attempt to create a bootable usb drive from a iso image dd bs=4M if=/mnt/sda2/0_1temp/iso/lmde-6-cinnamon-64bit.iso of=/dev/sdc1 status=progress oflag=sync 2024.11.16=used this to clone K3's original since 2019 working windows7 OS partician -to a usb pen drive at TERMINAL, first i umounted the drives i was going to work with= umount /dev/sda1 umount /dev/sdc1 then gave the command= dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdc1 bs=4M status=progress will it boot up?? we c soon - DID NOT WORK, usb must be prepare another way